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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Some Places

Why do some placesI go seem Warm & Friendly..Others...Not.?

Some I would consider making my home, still others I don't even like to drive by.

Is it Energy? Is it Preference--Is it my Spirit

Or Are we all a little bit eccentric and ecclectic in our Preferences??

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Where does this life go

When you get old - When you find you aint got what is was you thought you had.

There is life in The Lord Old Man--Say you don't believe it--You have a lovin' stare but cold cold eyes without His Spirit-----

Why do I feel that All's forever but everyone is so tired and Nihalistic-----Why do You Feel
Why do I feel------Don't you know I forgive and Love you??

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I Must Say

With Red puffy eyes Trials on Every side--Faith Now Growing AGAIN PRAISE--


Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I was pissed on knocked over damned laughed at-With my belief I made a mockery of my calling and my faith--I repent--
Who would believe That I am smart--D

As of today Life Changes for me and those around me ...Hold On Tight.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Anti PC , is very very cool.

Cathy Gannon a very hot rider in England and for that matter where she turn up to race. ATR Luke Morris , Matt Chapman and others affectionatley refer to Rider Gannon as No Legs, One Look At Cathy's smiling Face you see why?? She is ALL Torso on hat little Jockey Body----I for one say the Name or other namesa are NOT hurtful. hey bring the colorful imagery back to our Sport h by inchh

In 2011 The NFL is the NO FUN League--They Can Thank Tommy Brady-And Bill B For A Real Hero//Villian

All The Same I see Our Sport inch its way forward. And Forward it will go..

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Punting in the UK-and USA

Im Pete lets be above board. We will Start Slow-We will cover UK an USA----And a few stops here and there I care about.
I Find Everything NYRA, The Big A. Big Sandy & The Spa All Great Places with long Storied History....

Now on the other side of the Pond. can not name a boring track---I have my Favs favorates
Windsor--Ascot- Brighton--Bath-The list can just go right on..I am like a Kid When any of these
tracks run.....I remember saying losing Money at the Track is a Good Day-Why? Damnit I'm at the Track